
An integrated team of structural engineers, steel producers, fabricators and erectors working together to complete steel frame structures faster and more economically than ever before.

Individually we are leaders within our industries.

Combined we create a team, acting as a single source.

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Our alliance completely manages and executes the following project phases:

  • Design Phase
  • Bid-Negotiate-Award Phase
  • Shop Drawing Phase
  • Material Acquisition
  • Approval Phase
  • Fabrication Phase
  • Erection Phase

Check out our project timeline:


We save you money:

  • The design of the structure will be tailored to work with the preferred practices of our shop, the erectors we work with and the specific jobsite conditions.
  • The best overall in-place cost will be analyzed for lateral bracing systems, perimeter wall supports and connection details.
  • Continuous value engineering throughout the design phase allows for the lowest in-place cost.
  • The best balance of weight versus labor costs will be analyzed when selecting member sizes and framing layout.
  • Early knowledge of the true cost impact of design decisions.
  • Making your life easier! Why do it any other way?

We save you time:

  • Design decisions are made early in the project planning phase with input from the building owner, steel producer, fabricator, erector, and engineer.
  • The bidding phase is completely eliminated by negotiating a contract before design commences.
  • The shop drawing process is accelerated because the design model is directly transferred from the engineer to fabricator and the shop drawings commence before design documents are complete.
  • Long lead-time items can be ordered early.
  • Fabrication time is greatly reduced because the project is designed to take advantage of the fabricator’s efficiencies.
  • With the erector’s early participation in design, the structure’s fabrication can be sequenced to allow the steel to be taken directly from the truck and put in place.


Ron Duce – Kiewit Construction Company

“The key to most building construction is getting the building structure up. And that’s what Performance Structures lets us do, get the structure up as fast as possible. They’re great to work with.”

Mark Sanford – Sanford Group

“Time is money. By doing things in unison, we don’t spend a lot of time at the drawing board, putting packages out to bid, which definitely saves the owner a lot of money.”

Curt Tate – TAS Construction

“The building shell is what led the project. If we could not have gotten the shell up and the roof on, it would not have been finished on time. We were fighting the weather and we had to enclose it quickly.”

John Taylor – The Weitz Company

“Our project managers are expected to manage quality, budget, schedule, and safety. When you hire Performance Structures as part of your team, you can take it to the bank that Performance Structures will handle their part of the project, which takes a significant amount of stress off the project manager.”

Dave Egr – Workstage, LLC

“When you work with Performance Structures you know the design is going to be right, the steel is going to be there, and it’s going to go up on schedule. It allows me to look ahead to other critical areas that might bind up my schedule or cause me problems. When you’ve been in the business for a while you know who the good people are and who are the bad. Performance Structures are the good people.”

Corky Swahn – Ultimate Thermal

“Steel prices are fluctuating constantly. Who better than the fabricator to know what prices are on a particular item? If the fabricator is able to forecast that to the engineer during design there is a big economic advantage to the owner.”

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Performance Structures
1602 N 11th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68110

Phone:(402) 943-3449

Fax: (402) 943-3482